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Defense Association
of New York

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Standing Committees

Amicus Curiae
Brendan T. Fitzpatrick, Chair

Constitution and By-Laws
Thomas K. Moore, Chair

Court Practice & Procedures
Kevin G. Faley and Steven Baker, Chairs

Continuing Legal Education
Teresa A. Klaum and Bradley J. Corsair, Chairs

Dinners and Awards
James M. Begley and Heather Wiltshire-Clement, Chairs
Jennifer Ehman, Deputy Chair

Claire F. Rush, Chair

Insurance Law
Julian D. Ehrlich and Darrell John, Chairs
Keisha Parker, Deputy Chair

Thomas Maroney and Brian Rayhill, Chairs

Steven R. Dyki and Claire F. Rush, Chairs

Medical Malpractice
Jennine A. Gerrard and Stephen B. Toner, Chairs

Bradley J. Corsair and Thomas E. Liptak, Chairs

Nominating and On-Boarding
Claire F. Rush, Chair

Pro Bono
Heather Wiltshire-Clement, Chair

Vincent P. Pozzuto, Chair

Public Relations, Sponsors and Advertising
Steven R. Dyki, Chair

Young Lawyers
Orla Thompson and Meghan Kearns, Chairs

Special Committees

Brian Rayhill and James S. Fiedler, Chairs

Kevin Faley and Patrick Kenny, Chairs

DRI and Other Bar Organizations
Thomas J. Maroney and James P. O'Connor, Chairs

Employment Law
Richard L. Steer, Chair

Ethics and Professionalism
Thomas J. Maroney, Chair

Golf Outings
Bradley J. Corsair and Thomas E. Liptak, Chairs;  Lawton W. Squires and Thomas J. Maroney, Emeritus Chairs

Judicial Screening
Steven R. Dyki and Patrick W. Kenny, Chairs

Products Liability
Brian F. Mark and Orla Thompson, Chairs

Student Outreach and Scholarship 
Heather Wiltshire Clement, Chair

Technology / Website
Bradley J. Corsair and Steven R. Dyki, Chairs

Natalie Bannon, Digital Marketing Specialist



Standing Committees

Constitution and By-Laws

Thomas K. Moore, Chair  -

The purpose of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee is to propose and draft updates and amendments to the By-Laws, and to keep the document current in support of the goals of the Defense Association of New York.  The committee consists of Chair Thomas K. Moore of Law Office of Thomas K. Moore, Thomas E. Liptak of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP, James M. Merlino of Hannum, Feretic, Prendergast, & Merlino, LLC, and Teresa A. Klaum of Manson & McCarthy.

Court Practice & Procedures

Kevin G. Faley, Chair  - 

The Court Practice and Procedures Committee focuses on the latest developments in the courts which may affect the defense bar and clients, including updates to COVID-19 pandemic protocols, and changes relative to trial assignment and mediation court parts.  The committee also monitors as to the procedures and practices of the different counties with respect to jury selection, summary judgment deadlines, etc.  Members may be updated by e-mail blast announcements and publication.  The Chair is Kevin G. Faley of Morris Duffy Alonso & Faley.  The committee is also comprised of a sub-committee, chaired also by Steven Baker of Baker, McEvoy & Moskovits, P.C., which is dedicated to the subject of re-opening of the courts, especially for civil trial practice.  The other members of this sub-committee are Andrew Zajac, John McDonough, Thomas Maroney, James Begley, Teresa Klaum, Claire Rush, Thomas Liptak, Steven Dyki, Patrick Kenny and Orla Thompson.

Continuing Legal Education

Teresa A. Klaum, Chair


Bradley J. Corsair, Chair

The CLE Committee endeavors to provide quality, cutting edge, and stimulating continuing legal education, coupled with networking socials at fine dinner clubs and restaurants. These informative and enjoyable occasions are offered to DANY members and the Bar at large for very reasonable pricing. The Committee consists of Chair Teresa A. Klaum of Manson & McCarthy, Chair Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates, Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, Steven R. Dyki of Berkshire Hathaway GUARD, Eileen E. Buholtz of Connors & Corcoran, PLLC, and Claire F. Rush of Barry, McTiernan & Moore.  For materials from some of DANY's past CLE presentations, see the CLE page on this website.

Dinners and Awards

James M. Begley

Heather Wiltshire Clement
Emeritus Chair


Karl E. Daniel

The Dinners and Awards Committee is responsible for identifying potential venues, including information regarding attendee capacity, cost detail, and other relevant information for consideration by the Board and the Executive Director in their scheduling and arranging for an event.  When requested by the Executive Director, the Committee will select and purchase awards that are to be given to honor recipients by DANY. It also will reach out to Board members and other committees with respect to their identifying and soliciting sponsors for events.  If requested by the Executive Director, the Committee will review the event’s Program for completeness and accuracy and will assist with other support efforts the Executive Director might require in order to effectively hold a DANY event.  The committee is comprised of Chair James M. Begley of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (now retired), Chair Karl E. Daniel of Kenny Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP, Emeritus Chair Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, Jennifer A. Ehman of Merchants Insurance Group, Thomas Maroney of Maroney O'Connor LLP, and Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates.


Claire F. Rush, Chair -

Diversity is a core value of our organization.  DANY seeks to promote the inclusion of all attorneys regardless of their gender, race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation or physical challenges.  The Diversity Committee supports the implementation of cutting-edge and thought-provoking programs to insure the advancement of diverse attorneys. The committee Chair is Claire F. Rush of Barry, McTiernan & Moore.  The committee also consists of Lawton W. Squires of Herzfeld & Rubin, P.C., Margaret G. Klein of Margaret G. Klein & Associates, Karen L. Campbell of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, Leigh Katz of Katz & Associates, Robert G. Androsiglio of Powell & Roman, and Loretta J. Hottinger of Nicoletti Spinner Ryan Gulino Pinter LLP.



Thomas J. Maroney, Chair                                Brian Rayhill, Chair

DANY's judicial committee serves as a strong link between DANY and the bench.  The committee keeps the judiciary aware of DANY developments and achievements.  In addition, the committee encourages members of the bench to contribute to DANY CLE programs, participate in DANY's diversity program, and attend DANY functions.  The committee is comprised of Chair Thomas J. Maroney of Maroney O'Connor LLP, chair Brian Rayhill of Law Office of Brian Rayhill, Emeritus Chair Gary A. Rome of Barry, McTiernan & Moore, and Claire F. Rush of Barry, McTiernan & Moore, and Steve Baker of Baker, McEvoy & Moskovits.  

Insurance Law


Julian D. Ehrlich, Chair   


Darrell John, Chair 

Keisha A. Parker, Deputy Chair

The purpose of the Insurance Committee is to address emerging insurance issues to the defense bar including through CLE topics and speakers, contributions to The Defendant, and service as a resource to the membership on insurance questions. The Committee is comprised of Chair Julian D. Ehrlich of Aon, Chair Darrell John of Conway, Farrell, Curtin & Kelly, P.C., Deputy Chair Keisha A. Parker of Nicolson Law Group, Seth A. Frankel of Kaufman Dolowich Voluck LLP, and Jennifer A. Ehman of Merchants Insurance Group.  Feel free to contact us regarding a coverage issue, or check out the DANY journal dedicated to this subject via the following link: Defendant - Spring 2010 - Coverage.



Steven R. Dyki, Chair  -  

Claire F. Rush, Chair -

The Legislation Committee aims to keep members apprised of substantive measures in proposed and/or passed NY Assembly and Senate Bills which relate to issues in civil practice areas.  It also seeks opportunities to furnish Legislators and/or State agencies with information useful in developing legislative reform.  The committee Chairs  are Steven R. Dyki of Berkshire Hathaway GUARD and Claire F. Rush of Barry, McTiernan & Moore.

Medical Malpractice


Jennine A. Gerrard, Chair                                Stephen B. Toner, Chair  

The function of the Medical Malpractice Committee is to identify issues which confront attorneys who represent doctors, hospitals and other medical care providers in medical malpractice matters.  It is to help those who are first embarking on medical malpractice defense, by assisting in their understanding of the discovery process, as well as helping the novice understand the pertinent and helpful information stored in medical records.  The Committee also discusses the latest changes in the law and broaches the trial aspects of defense practice.  The Committee provides this information through CLE presentations as well as through articles published in DANY's Defendant journal.  There has been one Defendant journal dedicated to the area of Medical Malpractice -  it is available via the following link: Defendant - Spring 2015 - Medical Malpractice.  Those programs and articles are prepared by lawyers seasoned in the rigors of medical malpractice defense as well as representative of insurance companies who insure the medical community.  Lastly, the committee provides new insights to the membership by enlisting the services of judges and medical care professionals who elucidate related legal principles or discuss the medicine involved in certain cases. 

The committee welcomes like-minded individuals to contribute to its mission.  The committee Chairs are Jennine A. Gerrard of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, and Stephen B. Toner of McGivney Kluger Clark & Intoccia, P.C.  DANY wishes to recognize past committee Chair Patrick J. Bréa (deceased) of Bréa Yankowitz P.C. for his valued contributions.


Bradley J. Corsair, Chair 

Thomas E. Liptak, Chair

The principal goal of this committee is to encourage new and ongoing membership in DANY of constituents of New York's civil litigation defense bar, consistent with DANY's mission.  It is also to encourage committee participation, diversity and inclusion, and support of the interests of the organization, particularly as to representation of carriers, self-insureds and other clients.  Potential members are encouraged to consider joining by reviewing this website concerning membership types and criteria, and the many aspects of what DANY is and does.  This committee welcomes any questions about the foregoing.  Its chairs are Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates and Thomas E. Liptak of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP.  Meghan Kearns is a member of this committee as well.

Nominating and On-Boarding

Thomas E. Liptak, Chair

DANY's nominating committee considers and evaluates all viable candidates who have expressed an interest in joining DANY's Board of Directors. The nominating committee after completing the interview process, then renders its recommendations to the full Board. Once an individual is added to the Board of Directors, the committee will assist the new Board member with becoming acquainted with Board practices and procedures. The committee Chair is DANY's immediate Past President, currently Thomas E. Liptak of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP.  The committee is also comprised of Past Presidents who serve on DANY's Board, including James M. Begley of The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (retired)Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates, Julian D. Ehrlich of Aon, Teresa A. Klaum of Manson & McCarthy, Margaret G. Klein of Margaret G. Klein & Associates, John J. McDonough of London Fischer LLP, Thomas J. Maroney of Maroney O’Connor LLP, Vincent P. Pozzuto of Cozen O'Connor, Gary A. Rome of Barry, McTiernan & Moore, and Claire F. Rush of Barry, McTiernan & Moore.



Vincent P. Pozzuto,                  John J. McDonough,
 Chair                                             Emeritus Chair   

The mission of the Publications Committee is to disseminate scholarly writing on various topics that affect the practice of the civil defense bar, primarily through its well respected quarterly publication, “The Defendant”. The mission also includes the encouragement of defense professionals to submit articles for publication, to enhance the defense bar’s knowledge and competence in the defense of civil cases. The Committee is comprised of Chair Vincent P. Pozzuto of Cozen O’Connor, Emeritus Chair John J. McDonough of London Fischer LLP, and Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates.  DANY wishes to recognize Past President Mr. McDonough for his service as Chair and Chief Editor of the Defendant from 1990 to 2020.  For access to many past issues of The Defendant, see the Publications page on this website.

Public Relations, Sponsors and Advertising

Steven R. Dyki, Chair  -  

The missive of the Public Relations, Sponsors and Advertising Committee is to capitalize on the many DANY accomplishments via the promotion of the organization throughout the Bench and Bar, to act as a liaison between third-party vendors for the mutual benefit of DANY members and high quality  providers of legal services, to create awareness of industry trends, legal developments and the many unique opportunities offered through DANY to our members and potential members, and to raise and maintain revenues necessary to support our continued activities.  The committee Chair is Steven R. Dyki of Berkshire Hathaway GUARD.  Also members of the committee are Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, and Patrick Kenny of Gallo Vitucci & Klar.

Special Committees


Brian J. Rayhill, Chair   


James S. Fiedler, Chair 
 The mission of the DANY Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee is to educate and promote ADR to our members through Continuing Legal Education programs, DANY publications and collaboration with our group of diverse lawyers.  Case and claim resolution is changing at a rapid pace.  Trials are for the most part a secondary option.  Mediation, Arbitration and Summary Jury Trials are now the preferred resolution strategy for plaintiffs; defendants; individuals and corporations.  ADR facilitates earlier case and claim resolution while reducing litigation expenses.  Importantly, all the benefits of ADR do not hinder our skills as trial attorneys as Mediation, Arbitration and Summary Jury Trials allow us to continue to demonstrate our legal talents, just in a more efficient manner.  The DANY ADR Committee is here to answer your questions and provide reference and referral information.  The committee Chairs are Brian J. Rayhill of Gialleonardo & Rayhill and James S. Fiedler of New York State Insurance Fund.

Amicus Curiae


Brendan T. Fitzpatrick                                Andrew J. Zajac,
Chair                                                                 Emeritus Chair     

The Amicus Curiae Committee was founded in 1997 by John J. McDonough, who was President of DANY at the time.  Since then, the Committee has been submitting amicus curiae briefs to the New York Court of Appeals on issues of vital concern to the defense community in this State.  The Committee is currently comprised of Chair Brendan T. Fitzpatrick of Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady, LLP, Emeritus Chair Andrew J. Zajac, Rona L. Platt, Jonathan Uejio / special counsel to Conway, Farrell, Curtin & Kelly, P.C., Lisa L. Gokhulsingh of Gannon, Rosenfarb & Drossman, Amanda L. Nelson of Cozen O'Connor, Matthew S. Lerner of Gerber Ciano Kelly Brady, LLP, and Lawrence Heisler / former Head of Torts and Tort-Appeals for NYC Transit Authority (now retired).  DANY wishes to recognize Past President Mr. Zajac for leading this committee from 1997 to 2020.  For access to many of DANY's amicus curiae briefs, see the Amicus Briefs webpage


The budget committee provides oversight of the costs incurred and anticipated to be incurred by the various other committees.  The focus is to be sure that the activities stay within the budget established by the committee.  The committee Chairs are DANY's Treasurer, which is currently Kevin G. Faley, and the Assistant Treasurer, who is to be announced. 

DRI and Other Bar Organizations

Thomas J. Maroney, Chair

James P. O’Connor, Chair

The DRI and Other Bar Associations Committee advises DANY as to collaborative opportunities and innovative ideas to the mutual benefit of DANY and other attorney associations and networks.  The committee Chairs are Thomas J. Maroney and James P. O'Connor of Maroney O’Connor LLP.  Orla Thompson of Perkins Coie LLP, another valued committee member, is DRI's New York State representative, coordinating DRI's efforts with DANY.  DRI is affiliated with 65 State & Local Defense Organizations (SLDOs) across North America, and DANY is the New York SLDO.  To learn more about DRI, visit

Employment Law

Richard L. Steer, Chair  -

The Employment Law Committee brings to the attention of the defense bar significant developments and new issues that arise in the context of the workplace. The Committee’s focus includes examination of litigation theories regarding employment discrimination, wage and hour laws, misclassification of employees, workplace torts, and Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA’) enforcement, among others. The committee Chair is Richard L. Steer of Tarter Krinsky & Drogin.

Ethics and Professionalism

Thomas J. Maroney, Chair  

Brian J. Rayhill, Chair

The DANY Ethics and Professionalism Committee develops and coordinates relevant CLEs in the areas of Ethics and Professionalism.  Our committee is also an available resource to provide assistance to DANY members when questions of professional ethics arise.  Through network collaboration, our committee is able to provide relevant resources and referral services for the benefit of members.  The committee Chairs are Thomas J. Maroney of Maroney O’Connor LLP and Brian J. Rayhill of Gialleonardo & Rayhill.

Golf Outings

Bradley J. Corsair                                    Thomas E. Liptak
Chair, Downstate Outing                       Chair, Upstate Outings
July 21, 2025                                            


Lawton W. Squires,                                 Thomas J. Maroney,
Emeritus Chair                                         Emeritus Chair        

The mission of the Golf Outings Committee is to plan and conduct DANY’s annual upstate and downstate golf outings.  These outings are important and enjoyable fundraising events, providing support for DANY’s Amicus Curiae submissions, CLE programming and other activities for the education and benefit of its membership.  The Chair for the upstate outing is Thomas E. Liptak of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP.  The Chair for the downstate outing in any given year is the officer or director who procured the event, currently Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates.  The Emeritus Chairs procured outings in prior years.  The Committee members, in addition to said chairs, are Lawton W. Squires of Nationwide, Thomas J. Maroney of Maroney O’Connor LLP, Steven R. Dyki of Berkshire Hathaway GUARD, Patrick Kenny of Gallo Vitucci Klar, LLP., and Gianna N. McArthur of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP.

Judicial Screening


Steven Dyki, Chair                      Patrick Kenny, Chair                       

The purpose of the Judicial Screening Committee is to evaluate and provide ratings as to the qualifications for vacant Judicial positions in New York.  To date, DANY's Judicial Screening Committee has concentrated on the process of filling vacancies in the Court of Appeals, which is New York's highest Court. Through the efforts of its Judicial Screening Committee, DANY is one of 12 Bar Associations which interviews candidates for vacant positions on the Court of Appeals.  Each participating Bar Association then rates each candidate and forwards its ratings to the Governor of the State of New York.  The Governor then considers those ratings in making the final selection.  DANY's Judicial Screening Committee is comprised of the following:  Steven Dyki (Chair), Patrick Kenny (Chair), Andrew Zajac,  James Feretic, Thomas Liptak, Orla Thompson, James Begley, Heather Wiltshire Clement, Teresa A. Klaum, Anne Marie Esposito, Brendan Fitzpatrick, Andrew L. Klauber, Robert R. Rigolosi, and Margaret G. Klein.

Pro Bono

Heather Wiltshire Clement, Chair

The mission of the Pro Bono Committee is to foster pro bono legal work by our members in collaboration with pro bono legal services providers, other bar associations and in their communities. The Committee members are Chair Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, Margaret G. Klein of Margaret G. Klein & Associates and Mary Frances G. Marino of Kowalski & DeVito.

Products Liability


Brian F. Mark, Chair                    Orla Thompson, Chair      

The Products Liability Committee informs the defense bar aoubt significant developments and new issues that arise in the area of products liability law.  The Committee will be a source of CLE presentations and contributions to DANY's Defendant journal. The Committee is comprised of Chair Brian F. Mark of Hurwitz & Fine, P.C., Chair Orla Thompson of Perkins Coie LLP, and Keisha A. Parker of Nicolson Law Group.

Student Outreach and Scholarship


Heather Wiltshire Clement, Chair  Karl Daniel, Chair            

The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to encourage law school students to participate in DANY.  DANY endeavors to annually award two $2,000.00 scholarships to law students who, through education and future civil defense practice, are looking to improve the services of the legal profession, elevate the standard of trial practice, support and work for the improvement of the adversarial system of jurisprudence in our courts, and facilitate and expedite the trial of disputed claims.  Law students are also encouraged to propose articles that they would author for potential publication in for DANY’s journal, The Defendant.  The committee is comprised of Chair Heather Wiltshire Clement of Columbia University, Chair Karl Daniel of Kenny Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP,  Alecia Walters-Hinds of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, and Monique Allen of Ahmuty, Demers & McManus.

Technology / Website



Bradley J. Corsair, Chair                    Steven R. Dyki, Chair         

This committee provides a website and email blasts that inform members and the public about DANY and its events, resources, committees and leadership.  The committee also uses LinkedIn and other social media to promote the organization, including its events and accomplishments.  Additionally, the committee considers the interrelationship of technology and the practice of law, e.g. how AI, machine learning and cybersecurity products, services and issues may impact the legal profession.  The members are Chair Bradley J. Corsair of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates, Chair Steven R. Dyki of Berkshire Hathaway GUARD, Leon R. Kowalski of Leon R. Kowalski & Associates, and Emeritus Chair Brian J. Rayhill of Gialleonardo & Rayhill.  Saya Ghinea, a student at Fordham University, serves as a Digital Marketing Specialist for the committee.

Young and New Lawyers


Orla Thompson, Chair                    Meghan Kearns, Chair 

The purpose of the Young and New Lawyers Committee is to facilitate the transition of new attorneys into the profession by providing career advancement forums through various vehicles such as networking socials, continuing legal education, and mentorship programs.  This committee also assists with promotion of DANY events, with a focus on encouraging participation of young and new lawyers.  This committee is comprised of Chair Orla Thompson of Cozen O'Connor, Chair Meghan KearnsMonique Allen of Ahmuty, Demers & McManus, Laina Boris of Freehill Hogan & Mahar LLP, Karl E. Daniel of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak LLP, John P. Campana of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., LaTrace Dabney of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., Andrew O'Connor of Maroney O'Connor LLP, Amin Hfaiedh of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP, Nadine Ibrahim of Gallo Vitucci Klar LLP, Madjeen Garcon Bonneau of Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP, Kaschee Porter of Landman Corsi Ballaine and Ford, and Rikki Studley of Russo & Gould.  DANY members admitted to the New York Bar for less than 10 years are welcome to join this committee.


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Defense Association of New York
Bowling Green Station, P.O. Box 950, New York, NY 10274-0950

Phone: 212-313-3657

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