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Defense Association
of New York

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About DANY

Mission Statement

The By-Laws of the Defense Association Of New York, Inc.

The Defense Association of New York (DANY) is a specialty bar association created to promote continuing legal education, diversity and justice for all in the civil justice system;

to continue to improve the services of the legal profession to the public;

to provide for the exchange among the members of this association of such information, ideas, techniques, procedures and court rulings relating to the handling of litigation as are calculated to enhance the knowledge and improve the skills of defense lawyers;

to elevate the standards of trial practice and develop, establish and secure court adoption or approval of a high standard of trial conduct in court matters;  

to support and work for the improvement of the adversary system of jurisprudence in our courts and facilitate and expedite the trial of lawsuits; 

to initiate a program of education and information in law schools in emphasizing trial practice for defense attorneys;

to inform its members and their clients of developments in the courts and legislatures affecting their practice and by proper and legitimate means to aid in such developments when they are in the public interest; 

to establish an educational program to disseminate knowledge by means of seminars and other pedagogical methods on trial techniques for the defense; 

to promote improvements in the administration of justice;

to encourage prompt and adequate payment of every just claim and to present effective resistance to every non-meritorious or inflated claim;

to promote diversity in the legal profession and to take part in programs of public education that promote safety and help reduce losses and costs resulting from accidents of all kinds. 

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DANY Resources

Defense Association of New York
Bowling Green Station, P.O. Box 950, New York, NY 10274-0950

Phone: 212-313-3657

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